Early on
At age 21 John worked as a Police Officer and Sheriffs Deputy after High School & College in the Philadelphia Suburbs. In 2006 John moved to South Florida and started in Real Estate. John invested in numerous real estate projects, mostly rehabbing Single Family Houses. In 2011 John opened a Marketing & Advertising Firm in the Philadelphia Suburbs but continued in Real Estate in South Florida & Pennsylvania. In 2018 John started focusing mostly on Real Estate buying land to develop and houses to renovate / Fix & Flip. John is also the Founder / CEO of National REIC a Real Estate Investment Club supporting local chapters across the U.S. with member benefits. John has experience with everything from Vacant Parcels of Land to Multi-Million Dollar Apartment Buildings and everything in between like Rehab Projects of Single Family Homes.
Starting in 2020 John started buying properties in Tennessee and Virginia at Tax Sales, Direct from Sellers, and from the MLS. We Bought and Sold 10+ Properties in Tennessee and Virginia in the 1st Year. Everything from 1/2 Acre HOA Parcels to 30+ Acre Large Tracts that we Developed into smaller 5-10 Acres Tracts with Utilities and made them RV ready. John is currently a Licensed Realtor/Agent in Tennessee and Virginia.
Our main goal is to try and keep parcels of Land their current size, so we don’t create a different look to the area/Landscape.
Example: We Buy a 1 Acre Vacant Lot, We then would put in the required Utilities, Well, Septic, Electric, Driveway, Parking Spot, Then we can sell the Lot as an RV Ready Site.
We can help you to find or develop exactly what your looking for.
Call Us @ (484) 574 – 5321.